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Corpus Christi in Cuenca

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What is Corpus Christi?

One of the most colorful and attractive religious festivities in the country, is without a doubt the Corpus Christi in Cuencano. It is known that this feast in honor of the “Most Holy” or Blessed Sacrament, was established since the first year of the foundation of the city as one of the main religious celebrations that began to be called “Feast of the City”.

How is Corpus currently celebrated?

Today, the popular tradition in Cuenca is to celebrate the Blessed Sacrament for seven nights, the seven sunrises in which the Holy Host remains on display (hence the name “Septenario” by which this feast is known). In the popular celebrations that take place in the central park; there is the sale of traditional sweets in the vicinity of the place throughout the day, hence its name as The Sweetest party in the world. In the evenings there is a colorful display of pyrotechnics that includes all kinds of fireworks and whose center, is always the castle that is a structure of reed and silk paper with more than four meters high. The most awaited moment of the night is the burning of the same, which is always spectacular: Colored lights that rotate dazzlingly and pyrotechnic fires that come out shooting everywhere.

The coordination and expenses of the entertainments, both popular and religious, are borne by the priostes, the same ones who were formerly farmers or wealthy merchants.

At present, many families, institutions and public or private companies, are those that year by year offer their contribution to give continuity to this tradition.

Corpus Christi 2023

Get ready to enjoy the Sweetest party in the world. Get to know the itinerary that Cuenca has prepared for you.

Sunday, June 4

Blessing of the sweets of Corpus Christi

Place: Catedral Nueva

Adress: Benigno Malo y Sucre

Time: 09:00 

Tuesday, June 6 

Dialogues around Corpus Christi

Place: Catedral Vieja

Adress: Luis Cordero y  Sucre

Time: 18:00 

Thursday, June 8

Hora Santa 

Place: Iglesia de San Sebastián

Adress: Bolívar y Coronel Tálbot

Hora: 18:00


Rout: Bolívar hasta la Catedral Nueva

Time: 19:00

From 8 to 15 June 

 Sweets Sales

Place: Inmediaciones del Parque Calderón 

Time: Todo el día



Place: Catedral Nueva

Adress: Benigno Malo y Sucre

Time: 07:00 – 09:00 – 11:00 y 19:00

 Quema de Castillos

Place: Beningo Malo esq. y Sucre

Time: 20:30

Complete Guide

Download the complete Corpus Christi Tourist Guide and the Liturgical Booklet for the celebration of the festivities.

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