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This is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Cuenca, which, as it is located in one of the accesses to the city, in colonial times became the sector of blacksmiths – a trade that survives to this day. The tangible heritage of Las Herrerías are its rural colonial houses, blacksmith workshops, and the famous “Casa de Chaguarchimbana”, with its peculiar square. Its intangible heritage is the traditional gastronomy, which you can enjoy in many food places that offer tamales, chumales, quimbolitos, tortillas, and more.

The neighborhood has several attractions such as:

Blacksmith workshops

Back in the day, these workshops produced ironwork, brakes, spurs, and other tools for horseback riding. But over time, as Cuenca became more urbanized, the blacksmiths began to manufacture door locks, padlocks, eyebolts, handrails, railings, doorknobs, and knockers – which the incessant construction of houses demanded – and also crucifixes – as a sign of Christian devotion. To this day, every newly built house is adorned with a large crucifix on the roof, for, according to Catholic tradition, this serves to bless and protect the new building.

Local gastronomy

Humitas, tamales, chachis, cuchichaquis, quimbolitos, corn tortillas, empanadas, melcochas, coffee, rice pudding, chocolate, yaguana, aromatic waters, and many other delicacies can be found in Las Herrerías, 365 days a year!

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