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el trip lleva a cuenca


holiday August 10

On this holiday of August 10, 49,243 tourists traveled to and enjoyed the city of Cuenca. A diverse, complete and authentic destination full of experiences and interactive activities, either with the family or alone, it left its visitors feeling the sensation of being in a friendly and safe city.

· During the holiday, the National Park was visited by 2,191 tourists, making it the most visited natural area, to enjoy its lagoons, alpine tundra and hiking trails.

· From August 8 to 14, 12,800 citizens enjoyed the activities prepared to celebrate the anniversary of the 10 de Agosto market. And of this number, only on August 13 and 14, 3,800 people visited the supply center to enjoy a great culinary festival.

· During the holiday, the Municipal Museum System operated with special hours. In total, 5,308 tourists visited and enjoyed the exhibits at the Planetarium, the Remigio Crespo Toral Municipal Museum, the Municipal Museum of Modern Art, the Casa del Sombrero Municipal Museum, and the Old Cathedral.

· Ceramics, pottery, music and color took over the Plaza del Portal Artesanal (artisan plaza). On Friday, August 12, approximately 500 people and groups (who came and went) enjoyed the Artisan Marathon.

· The double-decker bus received 3,904 tourists from different cities in the country, who made the most of their free days to tour Cuenca. The tours departed from the historic sector to the Mirador de Turi (viewpoint), one of the highest points in the city.

· The Walking Tours were the best option of the holiday to get to know Cuenca. A total of 50 tourists from Guayaquil, Quito, Argentina and Asia participated in the three guided routes by experts from the Municipal Tourism Foundation and the Association of Professional Guides of Austro.

· The – ITUR (Tourist Information Office), during the 3 days of holiday, serviced approximately 160 people who requested information on the different tourist services offered by the city.

· During the 3 days of the holiday, lodging businesses had occupancy of 93%. This left revenue of $7,878,917.65 for the benefit of this activity.

· Additionally, groups of friends visited the El Calvario, Icto Cruz, El Boquerón and Jalshi de Nulti viewpoints to enjoy incredible views of the city. Very soon the Turi viewpoint will also be made available for the public.

· The Monjas, Guagualzhumi, Huizhil, Pachamama, Cabeza de Pez and other hills were an excellent alternative for practice of adventure sports such as: canopy, canyoning, mountain climbing, horseback riding and biking. Thanks to the “Cuenca Ciudad Aventura” project, these spaces have signage and services.

· Without a doubt, gastronomy is a great reason to visit Cuenca. Currently the city has a wide range of menus and establishments for the enjoyment of visitors in traditional restaurants, markets or the famous rooftops beautifully suited to the modern buildings and old terraces of the city’s heritage houses.


· According to statistics, in the second quarter of 2022, Cuenca received approximately 240,000 visitors, generating an income of 21 million dollars from tourism for the city.


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