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Being one of the oldest and most traditional neighborhoods in the city, both the tangible and intangible heritage of El Vado are very rich. Its history dates back to early colonial times, a time of great commercial activity in the area since it is located at the southern access to Cuenca. These were the streets of the bakers, a trade that prevailed in the...

Cuenca Vacations: Live, Explore & Enjoy

Visit one of the best destinations in Ecuador and live your vacation in Cuenca. Cuenca Vacations: Travel, Explore and Enjoy! Cuenca, on this vacation, will inspire you with its culture, tradition, architectural beauty, extraordinary events and stunning landscapes, so: Travel, Explore and Enjoy!.During the months of July and August, the recommended billboard is based...

Artisans and Museums

Artisans In 2019, Cuenca’s candidacy for the title of Diverse Craft City of the World was submitted to the World Crafts Council, for which ten samples of the city’s most important craft manifestations – fundamental elements of its cultural identity – were attached. 0 Craft Manifestations Orfebrería y joyería Alfarería y cerámica Paja Toquilla y cestería...

Bid Farewell to 2022 in Cuenca

A colorful and joyful atmosphere takes over Cuenca at New Year’s Eve with a very unique contest. The creativity and humor of the locals are on full display with the elaboration of “año viejos”, which are homemade dolls that allude to political issues and events which captured the public eye during the year.The event, which is organized by the Amistad Club and the...

The tinsmith

Some trades refuse to die despite the passage of time and preserve the legacy of our ancestors in the face of the changes brought by technology. One of them is tinsmithing, which brings about various artifacts such as lighters, trays, plates, buckets, and even toys, made with all kinds of metals.Several techniques are used for such manufactures, like tracing...

The party lights up

To light up the festivities and liven up the celebrations, pyrotechnics come in to impress with their dazzling display of lights. One of its most typical items is the castle – a reed structure several stories high. On average, it takes three weeks of work to build a single castle.Besides the castles, the well-known mad cows and other figures are also made, such as...

Travel through Time

We humans have always longed to be able to travel back in time – proof of this is the countless fictional stories about it that we can find in movies, series, and comics. But there is a more concrete way to travel back in time. When you walk through the heritage houses of Cuenca, a portal opens before you through which you can access historic buildings of great...

During its festivities, Cuenca is full of unique tourist experiences.

Cuenca is ready to celebrate its 202 years of Independence, so the Municipal Corporation has prepared a series of cultural, artistic, gastronomic, and entertainment activities.In the Municipal Tourism Foundation, our goal is that visitors enjoy the best version of the “Athens of Ecuador”, so we would like to recommend a range of activities, always focused...