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Rural Tourist Route: Sinincay – Chiquintad – Checa

Portada » Rural Tourist Route: Sinincay – Chiquintad – Checa

Experience experiential tourism in the rural parishes of Cuenca; Nature, adventure and adrenaline await you.

Experiential Route: Sinicay - Chiquintad and Checa

Discover the charm of rurality in Cuenca! Immerse yourself in a unique experience of experiential tourism exploring the parishes of Sinincay, Chiquintad and Checa. Delve into its natural landscapes, enjoy stunning waterfalls and venture on trails that will connect you with the authentic essence of nature. Experience the warmth of its local crafts and let yourself be enveloped by the serenity that only these places can offer.

The first route of experiential tourism of rurality articulates proposals 18, 26 and 27 of the administration of Mayor Zamora.

Recommended route - Sinincay

Taller de Monigotes - Don Galo Maza

Learn the art of creating unique figures, full of color and creativity. From the selection of materials to the last detail, you will discover all the secrets to bring the puppets to life.

Location: Juan Bautista Quizhpe y Isaac Chico

Visit by reservation: + 593 98 596 4080

Taller de Mármol - Don Polibio Sinchi

Discover the art of marble in the workshop of Don Polibio Sinchi, the master behind the majestic monument of Santa Ana in the New Cathedral of Cuenca. Visit his workshop and marvel at his ability to transform marble into true works of art.

Location: Juan Bautista Quizhpe

Visit by reservation: + 593 98 393 6807

Huerto Doña Margarita

Learn about the wisdom of sowing and harvesting in the organic gardens that the parish of Sinincy has.

Location: Barrio Huarangos – 1km (centro parroquial)

Visit by reservation: +593 99 795 9862

Immerse yourself in an environment full of orchids, a place destined for the conservation, production, propagation, sale and export of these amazing plants.

Location: Lateral a la Sede Colegio de Odontólogos del Azuay

Visit by reservation: +593 99 345 2280

Recommended route - Chiquintad

Cascada de San Antonio y Ruta Ciclistíca

A route for the adventure & adrenaline. In Chiquintad you will find the perfect spaces for a cycling route with your friends and at the end you can refresh yourself in the San Antonio Waterfall.

Cascada San Antonio

Location: 700 metros del Centro Parroquial

Ruta Ciclística

Location: Vía Checa, Sinincay -Chiquintad

Ruta recomendado - Checa

Cabañas Torres

Disfruta de la naturaleza; un espacio mágico para realizar senderismo, pesca deportiva y cabalgata. 

Dirección: Sector Shaucay - Checa

Visita bajo reserva: +593 98 590 5554

Discover the hidden wonders of the rural parishes of Cuenca! Immerse yourself in natural beauty and enjoy the tranquility and connect with nature while exploring these magical corners. Relax and live an unforgettable experience in the heart of the rurality of Cuencana.

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