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Marble sculptures

Turning a block of marble into figures such as dolphins, turtles or eagles requires extraordinary skill, since it is a matter of making a stone come to life. This is one of the most difficult crafts since when sculpting marble there is no room for mistakes – one wrong stroke and the stone will crack, which is impossible to fix. Sculpting marble requires a steady yet precise hand, a great deal of patience, and the right tools. That is why these works are so valuable – exquisite material worked by great artists.

Most of the artisans who work with this noble material gather around the rural parishes of Miraflores and Sinincay, and you can find their creations in the center of the city of Cuenca.

The sublime beauty and historical importance of these pieces prevent this craft from disappearing, and the inspiration and gift of these Azuayan artisans are highly regarded within and beyond the country.

Marble and travertine are used in a variety of colors: white, black, green, gray, pink, and red. Among the most commonly produced objects are tombstones, crosses, busts, and zoomorphic figures.

‘El Progreso’ Workshop

A family business in which three generations of artisans work together. Fabián Gordillo leads this workshop located in Sinincay, continuing his father’s legacy. Initially, they manufactured ashtrays for local sale, but for several years now their main market has been the United States, where they export a large part of their handmade production.

Marmolero José Alberto Álvarez

Azucena Reino fell in love not only with her husband, José Alberto Álvarez, but also with his craft, and together they established a marble carving workshop. In the beginning they only made tombstones, but over time they began to integrate other creations inspired by animals, which are very popular abroad. This artisan couple has perfected the technique of shaping marble and has taught it to their children.

Víctor Galarza’s Workshop

Victor Galarza and his family transform the noble marble stone into true works of art in their workshop located in the neighborhood of Las Malvinas. Their craftwork produces marble key rings in the shape of animals, whose parts are designed, polished, and joined by themselves. These marble pieces are highly appreciated as meaningful souvenirs since they preserve the memory of the trip for the tourists who visit us and embody the symbolic value of our artisan culture.

César Polivio Sinchi’s Masonry Workshop

Although he began working with wood, César found his vocation in marble and has been working for more than 60 years under the tutelage of master César Quishpe. Thanks to the great quality of his work, he has been entrusted with the realization of the busts of famous people of Ecuador, Jaime Roldós and Federico Proaño among them. In his workshop, located in the Sinincay parish, there are beautiful sculptures of religious motifs, such as angels and crucifixes.

If you have made it this far, is probably because you would love to have a beautiful marble sculpture. Where to buy one? Follow these recommendations for places to find a keepsake that will fascinate you and last forever.

Centro Municipal Artesanal CEMUART

Opening hours: Monday to Saturday, 9 AM to 6 PM. Sunday, 9 AM to 1 PM
Address: General Torres 7-33 and Presidente Córdova St.
Telephone: 2845 854
Facebook: Centro Municipal Artesanal CEMUART

Portal Regional Artesanal (PRAC)

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 1 PM and 2 PM to 6 PM
Address: Bolívar 1-34 and Huayna Cápac (first floor).
Telephone:  407 9396
Website: http://www.edec.gob.ec 
Facebook: Portal Artesanal EDEC EP

Near the Cuenca Heritage Cemetery, Octavio Díaz and Vicente Rocafuerte.

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