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Formerly known as the ‘olleros’ (potters’) neighborhood, today it goes by the name of ‘La Convención del 45.’ It is located northwest of Cuenca and is still regarded as a neighborhood of potters, where families have traditionally been dedicated to making pots, pans, plates, pots, etc. In colonial times, there were clay mines in this area, which favored the development of pottery to such an extent that it became the main trade of the locals.

And although pottery is the main attraction here, it is certainly not the only one. There are many other attractions that enrich the offer of ‘La Convención.’

But first things first:

Encalada and Sons Pottery Workshop

Here they design and produce all kinds of pottery vessels, decorative products, and tableware. Its owner, José Encalada, is known for welcoming visitors to his workshop so that they can directly appreciate the traditional craftsmanship of pottery.

Address: Francisco Paredes 24-90 and Mariscal Lamar streets


Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday from 7 AM to 8 PM

Eduardo Segovia's workshop

In this workshop/gallery the works are the result of constant experimentation with new styles, forms, and designs that range from figurative to abstract, and from geometric to baroque. Master Segovia has participated in countless national and international exhibitions and has received a number of recognitions and awards. Around the neighborhood, there are many murals dedicated to the work of this great artist.

Address: Vega Muñoz 22-30 and Luis Pauta streets

Telephone: 072824707

Visits by appointment

“La Guarida" Show and Gastronomy Hall

La Guarida is more than a restaurant – it is a place where the best gastronomy is combined with the best of the living arts. A concept that surprises for its innovation and warmth to all those who visit it.

Address: Mariscal Lamar and Luis Pauta streets

Phone: 0998068071


Murals by master artist Eduardo Segovia

Fantastic images, magical shapes, black and white and color – it is all spread on the walls of Mariscal Lamar Street, between Miguel Morocho and Daniel Alvarado, as the result of the locals’ will to give a creative impulse to their neighborhood. The works were designed by master Segovia and painted by the muralists Édgar and Cristina Segovia. The idea of the neighbors who ceded the spaces to be painted was to bring life to these once-forgotten walls with colorful murals that brighten the streets with their art. Mission more than accomplished!

Zoila Quezada Antique House

A colonial house in which hundreds of pieces of yesteryear are still preserved, some almost as old as the house itself. The kitchen is really something, as it is a faithful replica of a traditional kitchen from Cuenca. This will undoubtedly take you back in time and leave you with indelible memories.

Address: Mariscal Lamar 21- 45 and Daniel Alvarado streets

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 12 PM and from 3 PM to 5 PM

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