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Hello I am J, let me tell you about my exciting adventure

Portada » Hello I am J, let me tell you about my exciting adventure
"From the moment I set foot in this city, I knew that extraordinary experiences awaited me. The breathtaking landscapes that stretched out in front of me, took my breath away."

Cuenca became my own adventure paradise, where I discovered endless exciting tourism activities in a safe and controlled environment. I felt like a protagonist of a film, surrounded by landscapes that seemed to be taken from another world. Every step I took transported me to a completely new reality, full of emotion and wonder.


The adventure began with a challenging climb on the towering rocks of the majestic Cajas National Park. As I ascended, the panoramic views revealed before my eyes left me speechless. From the top, gaze at the grandeur of nature, the forest and the lagoons at their best. The effort was worth it, and every step of the way I got closer to the summit, fueled by the motivation and enthusiasm of the guides and my friends who accompanied me on this adventure.

Columpio de Turi

But the fun and excitement did not stop there. I decided to explore the charming Mirador de Turi, where together with my friends we dared to overcome our fears. We challenge our skills in exciting activities such as the giant swing, flying bike, tightrope and hanging bridges. Each challenge filled us with adrenaline and brought us even more together in this incredible experience.


Later, fate took us to Ricaurte parish, where I experienced an unparalleled adrenaline rush. The Canopy was the ultimate challenge. Crossing over a lush forest at a dizzying speed, with the wind on my face and the vegetation passing quickly below me, made me feel alive like never before. The laughter and cries of emotion of my friends mixed with the intensity of the experience, creating unforgettable moments.


Don’t need much to enjoy all these intense emotions. As soon as I came prepared with comfortable, warm clothes and sturdy sports shoes was enough. My determination and desire to have fun became my best equipment. Cuenca took care of the rest.

This adventure in Cuenca became a transformative experience. I challenged my limits, overcame my fears and immersed myself in the wonderful nature. Every moment lived in this incredible destination will be etched in my heart forever. So, if you are looking for a different, unique and exciting adventure, Cuenca is your TRIP!

How can you do these activities?

To carry out the adventure activities we recommend you contact the following tour operators:

+593 072 837 815



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