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Portada » Cuenca, venue of the XXXI Edition of the “Congress of the Pan-American Confederation of Hotel, Gastronomy, and Tourism Schools”

Cuenca, venue of the XXXI Edition of the “Congress of the Pan-American Confederation of Hotel, Gastronomy, and Tourism Schools”

From October 24th to 28th, Cuenca will host the XXXI Edition of the “Congress of the Pan-American Confederation of Hotel, Gastronomy, and Tourism Schools” (CONPEHT.)

This year, the event will be held at the University of Azuay and its theme will be “Tourism: Cultural and Natural Heritage.”

CONPEHT is a civil association of important entities linked to tourism – founded in Mexico in 1991 by several academic institutions from the Americas and Europe – which seeks to contribute to the improvement and professionalization of the national, regional, and international tourism activity, through joint work of its member institutions.

The Congress aims to strengthen ties between the countries through internship opportunities for teachers and students presented at the BOLSA CONPEHT event.

In addition, CONPEHT carries out other events such as the Pan American Night, sponsored by the Municipal Tourism Foundation for Cuenca, in which each delegation is located on a stand and takes part in a parade, representing their country.

There is also a charity event called YO SOY CONPEHT, whose proceeds are donated to a charitable institution. This year the beneficiary will be “Hogar Infantil Tadeo Torres”.

For more information visit the official XXXI Congress website.



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