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Cuenca Shines with Christmas Spirit

Walking through the historic area of Cuenca, we come across the New Cathedral. Here, there is a nativity scene that only be described with one word: gigantic. All the figures are simply impressive and make the birth of Jesus come to life.

A few steps further we can see the Old Cathedral, which today is a very important museum in Cuenca. Inside, huge images of the protagonists of the birth of the Baby Jesus, such as: the Virgin Mary, Joseph, the Wise Men and the animals are awe-inspiring.

In the next room, the nativity scene and a recreation of the town of Bethlehem can be admired… it is a sight to behold. There are thousands of elements to commemorate the birth of the Divine Child, among these are: troupes, dances and a festive mood, but without a doubt what attracts the most interest are the “cholita” and “cholito” costumes (traditional local clothing) with which the Virgin Mary and Joseph are dressed. It’s all so breathtaking.

A few blocks away is the Plaza de las Flores and, in it, the Carmen de la Asunción Church, which contains a spectacular altar where the image of the Divine Child is located. On December 24, the Child (known locally as “Travelling Child”) will travel along Bolívar Street for the adoration of thousands of faithful Catholics.

Leaving the Church on Padre Aguirre Street, baskets with Christmas lights on can be appreciated; a nice spot to take pictures. You simply must go through there.

Finally, visit CEMUART Craft Center; a gorgeous handmade nativity scene can be found there.

This is how Cuenca lives Christmas. Come and visit these spaces for free.

We share with you the TOURIST GUIDE FOR DECEMBER


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