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Cuenca creates tourism, economic, and aeronautical ties in Lima, Peru

In order to form ties with tour operators and airlines in the Peruvian market – through commercial links with the main travel agents – and to activate cross-border commercial flights, an Ecuadorian delegation traveled to promote Cuenca as a tourism destination to more than 30 tour operators and travel agents in the Peruvian capital and met with specialized media in Lima, Peru.

“Cuenca is a magical city and we are prepared to welcome you any and every day in a safe, sustainable, and reliable destination. Today we are the first tourist destination in continental Ecuador and, for us, it is essential to show what we have to offer so we have brought you a little sample of our local gastronomy that will surely motivate you to come and visit us on your next trip,” said Pedro Palacios, mayor of Cuenca.

At the Swissotel in Lima, María Angélica León, executive director of the “Tourism for Cuenca” Municipal Foundation, spoke about the tourism, cultural, gastronomic, and natural potential of the “Athens of Ecuador”, as part of the “Cuenca Is Your Trip” campaign, and invited agencies and operators to include Cuenca experiences in the packages and international trips they offer.

During this promotional mission, the proposal for new air connections linking the Cuenca airport with several Peruvian cities such as Lima, Piura, Tumbes, Iquitos, Cajamarca, Chiclayo, and Trujillo was also presented.

Currently, Cuenca receives more than 200 domestic flights per month from Quito and Guayaquil through the Airport Corporation, averaging 38,000 passengers each month. The medium-term objective is to transform the local airport into a cross-border international airport to link trade and tourism in Cuenca and Ecuador with cities in Peru.

Cuenca’s air terminal is offering incentives and benefits of 10%, 20%, and 30% discounts on operating costs for airlines operating scheduled cross-border or international charter flights.

In addition to this, there is a clear national policy of the Ministry of Tourism to favor the connectivity of cross-border airports, with incentives coordinated with the local governments.

“I am fully confident that, after this meeting, we are going to have a significant increase in the exchange in the tourism, economic, and aeronautical fields,” the mayor emphasized.

In the end, we offered a traditional Cuenca gastronomic tasting, which included the delicious “mote pillo,” “mote sucio,” “mote horneado,” and traditional sweets, all of which aroused great interest in the cuisine of Cuenca among all attendees, who got to appreciate its smells, colors, and flavors.

Undoubtedly, this meeting allowed us to initiate trade relations with agents, tour operators, and airlines of Peru, the results of which will be seen very soon.

The joint Trade Mission to Peru was led by Mayor Pedro Palacios Ullauri, accompanied by María Angélica León (Executive Director of the Municipal Tourism Foundation for Cuenca,) Marcelo Carvallo (Executive Director of the Airport Corporation of Cuenca,) and María Rosa Aguirre (in the representation of Niels Olsen, Ecuador’s Minister of Tourism,) and was attended by Galo Yépez (Ecuador’s Ambassador in Peru,) Pedro Armijos (Ecuador’s Consul in Peru,) and Rodolfo Hugo Castro (Peru’s Consul in Cuenca.)


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