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The film “Love in Times of Likes”, an example that “in Cuenca cinema is made”

“Love in Times of Likes” tells five stories that revolve around love and social networks, all quite diverse, which allows a much wider audience to relate to the film.

“We applaud that ‘Love in Times of Likes’ was filmed in Cuenca, and undoubtedly our city will become the great protagonist of the film. Its magical and romantic sceneries are just ideal to tell such unique stories,” said María Angélica León, executive director of the Municipal Tourism Foundation.

Cuenca is indeed a perfect setting for filmmaking. First, because it is one of the most beautiful colonial cities in Ecuador and the entire continent, and second, because of the quality of its architecture, art, culture, landscapes, gastronomy, and human warmth.

Moreover, it is simply invaluable that the buildings are so well preserved and that the locations are so close to each other. For example, one scene can be shot in Calderon Park and, a few meters away, the next one can be shot in the renowned Plaza de las Flores.

Mrs. León also stated that this is the right time for us to support cinema, consume quality content, go to the theater and enjoy the film, as this will help “Love in Times of Likes” reach Netflix, which would allow the whole world to get to know not only the great talent of our filmmakers and actors but also the beauty of Cuenca as a location, and thus more producers would be motivated to come and film here.

The worldwide exposure that we are sure “Love in Times of Likes” will have, will also draw the attention of future travelers to Cuenca. Surely seeing the scenery and the fantastic places shown in the film will make many want to come and visit our city, “the best-kept treasure of the Andes.”

“Thank you to the producers and actors, our friends, for staging this film in our city. All of us who live here applaud you gratefully. And let it be clear that in Cuenca cinema is made,” she concluded.

The film will be shown in the main cinemas of Ecuador from September 15th and on.

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