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Cuenca exhibits its tourism potential at “REMOTE Latin America 2022”

Destination Cuenca is present at “REMOTE Latin America 2022”, the most important fair dedicated to luxury tourism in the region.

In this important international event, Cuenca will have the opportunity to promote itself as one of the best destinations in Latin America, create a community of Travel Designers, design immersive experiences that strengthen the link with other destinations, create business opportunities for local establishments throughout the year and long term, and share content and knowledge about the regions where REMOTE takes place.

Being part of REMOTE also means associating Cuenca as a destination with an event dedicated to luxury tourism that is unique in the world, and connecting with selected high-level companies aligned with contemporary principles of sustainable, responsible, and forward-looking tourism.

Taking part in business meetings where other outdoor experiences are shared strengthens the bond and commitment among members. In addition, having the support of the Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador reassures the status of the city and positions Cuenca as a preferential destination in the country.

According to statistics, 80% of REMOTE sponsors who attend the REMOTE fair for the first time do return, which means very positive results in terms of business generation.


By taking part in REMOTE 2022, Cuenca will have direct contact with the most powerful Travel Designers in the world – which will open many doors to its target markets – will produce more than 100 business meetings in roadshow-like sessions, will present its campaign “Cuenca Is Your Trip” to the world, will exhibit its traditional crafts, will reinforce the designation of Cuenca as “World City of Crafts”, and will become a part of a global network of institutions focused on sustainability and proper management of its resources, which favors the renewal of the city’s TOUR CERT certification.

Most importantly, Cuenca will be reaffirmed as the venue for REMOTE 2023.


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