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Sensitive Machines, Cuenca Biennial Collection Exhibit

The “Fundación Municipal Bienal de Cuenca” possesses a unique heritage – the Biennial Collection, which gathers relevant artworks of renowned creators from Ecuador, Latin America, and the world, made up of 79 pieces presented in different languages and formats, obtained by means of awards, acquisition, and donations.

“Sensitive Machines” is the main piece of the fourth edition of the Collection Exhibit, curated by Katya Cazar, who defines this exhibition as an “exercise that allows us to appreciate how the gears of art and their sensitive nature are capable of disarticulating messages and, through short circuits, generate new visions”.

The current management of the Cuenca Biennial not only recovered its greatest treasure – the Biennial Collection – but also reestablished the figure of the awards and acquisitions  – as instructed by ordinance  – acted in favor of the reality of art as a craft, and took care to produce a collection conceived as a story, as an organic journey through more than three decades of artistic creation, which makes it a very valuable piece of the cultural heritage of the city and the country.

The Biennial Collection has been reviewed, restored, safeguarded, and technically registered. It now has a freely accessible digital registry and its own digital subdomain. In addition, free-access educational cards about its 22 most outstanding works have been published, which you can view at https://blog.bienaldecuenca.org/index.php/2021/05/28/545/

The exhibition “Sensitive Machines” will be open until December 30th, in three venues – the Biennial House, the Botanical Garden, and the Gallery of the Mayor’s Office.

To book a large group or school group please send an email to educacion@bienaldecuenca.org


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