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Procession in Honor of Baby Jesus

In the year 1823, an image in honor of the Divine Child was sculpted and it was not until 1961 that he began his pilgrimage through the Holy Land. Upon arriving in Cuenca, he received the name of “Niño Viajero” (“Travelling Child”) and since then, every December 24, a procession which recreates his journey is held in the city.

Over time, this festivity has become one of the most anticipated traditions by Cuenca’s families. This event summons thousands of believers, who come with petitions for Baby Jesus and also to show gratitude for the answered prayers.

The passing of the Child unleashes many emotions. His beautiful costumes and golden embroidery amaze everyone present. Following suit, the youngest in attendance actively participate with colorful outfits of their own with the purpose of joining the Travelling Child in his journey.

It is one of the best-known religious celebration in Ecuador and one in which many want to participate; as in addition to being a great display of faith, it also represents an opportunity to showcase the folklore and identity that fills us with pride.

The troupes, town bands and floats provide music and color to the celebration. Traditional characters such as the “Ángel de la Estrella” (Christmas Star angel) and the three Wise Men: Melchior, Caspar y Balthazar are part of the festivity. Thus, the passing of the Child becomes a living nativity scene made up by all the attendees.

The event starts at 9:00 a.m. in San Sebastián neighborhood and crosses Simón Bolívar Street to San Blas. The final mass is given in the New Cathedral once the previous one has finished and with the presence of the protagonist, the Travelling Child.

For all these reasons and more, this amazing procession was declared as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ecuador. What are you waiting for to experience a family trip like no other?

                               If tradition is your thing, Cuenca is your trip!

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