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Clay art

Inspiration molded in clay and materialized in beautiful ceramics. Pottery and ceramics have a privileged position in Cuenca as the most sought-after crafts, both for their history and artistic value. Clay art stems from pre-Columbian cultures and it has integrated new techniques over the centuries, resulting in a beautiful mixture.

The production of pottery is a laborious process, starting with the kneading of the clay, followed by molding, kiln firing, and finally applying the glaze or varnish. Meet some of the most representative potters of the city, who preserve one of the most ancestral traditions.

Eduardo Segovia

A potter who, given that he grew up in ‘Convención del 45’ – a neighborhood traditionally dedicated to pottery making – developed a great enthusiasm for working with clay. While the adults made pots and plates, as a child Eduardo preferred to mold little cars and birds, without even imagining that he was forging his destiny as one of the best artisans in the trade. He has taken part in countless exhibitions in the country and abroad and has received several awards for his long career. His home and workshop are always open for those who wish to share with him and those who visit are pleasantly surprised by the beauty of his place, which is practically a museum that houses his fantastic works.

Address: Vega Muñoz 22-30 and Luis Pauta St.
Telephone: 2824707
Opening hours: Every day, by appointment only.
Entrance: Free

Encalada Family Workshop

José Encalada learned the art of pottery being very young and became a master of clay molding. His skilled hands shape pots, wall lamps, plates, vessels, and ornaments. He has shared his knowledge with his family and communities in the area. His workshop is located in the neighborhood of ‘Convención del 45’, where artisans from all corners of the world come together to exchange knowledge and experiences. He makes beautiful objects such as cups, pots, casseroles, and figurines of pigeons and horses. His is a family business – his children paint his creations while his wife is in charge of the administration.

Learn more about the fascinating world of pottery and ceramics by visiting the places we suggest below. Surely you will find the perfect piece for your home, made by the most skilled hands of our artisans from Cuenca.

La Convención del 45
Neighborhood located northwest of Cuenca.

Plaza Sangurima (Rotary Square)

Opening hours: Monday to Sunday, 8 AM to 6 PM
Address: Vargas Machuca and Sangurima streets
Telephone: 4134900 ext. 1307 

Centro Municipal Artesanal CEMUART

Opening hours: Monday to Saturday, 9 AM to 6 PM. Sunday, 9 AM to 1 PM
Address: General Torres 7-33 and Presidente Córdova St.
Telephone: 2845 854
Facebook: Centro Municipal Artesanal CEMUART

Portal Regional Artesanal (PRAC)

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 1 PM and 2 PM to 6 PM
Address: Bolívar 1-34 and Huayna Cápac (first floor).
Telephone:  407 9396
Website: http://www.edec.gob.ec 
Facebook: Portal Artesanal EDEC EP

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