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Festival of Lights in honor of the Virgen Morenica del Rosario

The faith in honor of the Virgen Morenica del Rosario is lit again with the Festival of Lights 2022. Thousands of devotees are preparing to go to the Santo Domingo square and light thousands of lanterns that will illuminate the night of Cuenca on Wednesday, December 7.

The history of the Morenica del Rosario goes back to 1933, when two images of the Virgin were sent from Spain to the city of Cuenca for the temple of the Dominican friars. One of them, the one with white skin, was sent to the canton of Nabón. The one with brown skin stayed in the city, and since then it has been known as “la Morenica”. This year marks the 89th anniversary of her coronation as Queen of Cuenca and Azuay.

The feast day began to be celebrated in 2008 organized by the Convent of Santo Domingo and has continued thanks to the support of the Municipal Tourism Foundation for Cuenca and the University of Azuay. The Festival of Lights brings together two elements of Christian symbolism – light and fire. The first symbolizes life and salvation, the second represents purification and the goodness of God.

The rite begins with the placing of the lanterns in allegory, then the blessing of the fire is performed and the bells of the church of Santo Domingo are rung. The parishioners attend this act of faith in gratitude for favors granted. It is a feast of spirituality and music with the unmissable serenade of popular songs.

We extend this invitation to all families to attend this religious festivity full of magic, color, and fraternity. The night will be illuminated, and the emotion of all the attendees will become an indelible memory.

Festival of Lights
Location: Plazoleta de Santo Domingo, Gran Colombia and Padre Aguirre streets.
Date: Wednesday, December 7.
Time: 6 PM

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